Fast Fix for Erratic optical drives in Windows 9x/ME



Sometimes CD/DVD-ROM-RW drives in older versions of Windows (95,98,ME) can sometime exhibit odd behavior even though there is nothing wrong with the drive or the computer. There is a setting within the Windows device manager that by default isn’t the best setting for some drives. To change this setting do the following:

1. Open the Windows Device Manager by pushing the Windows key and Pause/Break and clicking on the Device Manager tab.

2. Double click on ‘Hard Disk Controllers’ and then the parent IDE device is listed then the Primary IDE controller followed by Secondary IDE controller.

3. Double click on the parent IDE device to bring up the device properties

4. Click on the ‘Settings’ tab and then change the drop down drop down menu change the setting from ‘Default’ to ‘Both IDE channels enabled’

5. Click the ‘Ok’ button to close the device properties button and the ‘Ok’ button to close the Device Manager

6. Reboot when prompted.

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